Get Well soon Glucose travel sweets Nothing is more appreciated when poorly and your feeling under the weather , especially when you recieve a small gift from a loved one wishing you a quick and speedy recovery The Gift is even better when its full of Simpkins mouthwatering All Natural mixed fruit Glucose travel sweets , the perfect bed side companion you can keep dipping into when you need oral refreshment or a glucose boost! See ‘Additional information‘ for ingredients & nutrition values.
LIMITED AMOUNT LEFT -min order quantity 12 bags Bonfire Toffee is a traditional product from the North of England made for Bonfire night on November 5th an earlier bonfire night treat even better than sparklers and fireworks !! It is a treacle hard boiled sweet rather than a toffee and great for sharing with your friends on a cold evening and are wrapped to stop the pieces sticking together, a fantastic winter treacle flavour. Perfect for Bonfire Night and eaten traditionally while holding your sparkler, keeping warm by the fire and watching the fireworks erupt in the sky. Packaged in stunning retail bags
Cheeky Festive Elf Mixed Fruits x 1sl
The perfect gift or stocking filler for anyone, perfect gift to be kept under the tree for when you have unexpected visitors turning up unannounced bearing gifts! (the unexpected Visitors emergency Gift!)
See ‘Additional information‘ for ingredients & nutrition values.